Yuko Hair Straightening System

Yuko Hair Straightening System

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Today, the most popular method of hair straightening treatment is the Yuko Hair Straightening System. More and more women are getting into this treatment simply because it keeps their hair straight and saves them from the time and energy that it is required of straightening hair when using hair straightening irons. This ground-breaking Yuko hair straightening does not just straighten hair but it also can restore dry and damaged hair to healthier and much-nourished hair strands. So after the whole process what you get is a much sleeker, healthier straight hair that is manageable from roots to tips.

The Yuko hair straightening system takes 3 to four hours but this varies on the volume and length of the hair. This should only take place on a hair salon and done by a professional hairstylist who has been trained with the Yuko hair straightening system. This is important so that you as a client is guaranteed on the best result and your safety is not compromised. Before anything else, hair consultation should be done for the stylist to tell if your hair can endure the intense heat process.

Why Yuko Hair Straightening?

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The reason why the Yuko hair treatment works well is that it entails cautious bond reconstruction in the bone of the hair for the hair’s appearance to be changed into something much better. What happens initially is that the hair is washed and sprayed with hair water that is pH balanced and to get the hair ready for the neutralized solution. Next comes the pre-treatment solution which is actually to protect the hair from damage. After this, the first chemical solution is applied to the shaft of the hair and what it does is it makes the hair shaft softer and the strands become stretchy for it to be inclined in the shape-changing process. The hair is then washed out to remove the neutralizer and with the hair water, the hair is rinsed. The hair will now be sectioned into small parts for straightening with the use of flat irons. Through the flat irons, the collagen and keratin are activated as well as drying the hair throughout the Yuko Hair Straightening process.
The Yuko Hair Straightening process

The Yuko Hair Straightening process may take around two hours for hair with medium length and takes a lot of steam. The next chemical is then applied and this time, what it does is position the hair strand to what it is treated for—smooth and straight. It will be left on the hair for about 15 minutes before the chemical is washed off and sprayed again with hair water. Finishing the Yuko hair straightening process is the blow drying of the hair to smoothen out the hair straighteners making sure to leave the hair soft yet completely straight.

The entire process seems like it may take too much time bye on but you are assured that the results are worth the time and the money too! You don’t just get gorgeous straight hair but you also hair that is nourished and is left smooth and healthy. What makes it even better is that you don’t have to place too much effort on maintaining it so this saves you from time-consuming hairstyling and you have all the time to do other more important things.

If you have taken care of your hair the right way and follow the aftercare instructions, it can last up to twelve months which is long for hair treatment as some barely last for four to six months only.

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