Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Foods for Healthy Hair

Foods for Healthy Hair

woman wearing red top

The health of the hair depends upon several factors such as genetics, hair care, diet, and overall health. Most people spend tons of money on hair care products and treatments. However, these will have no positive effect on the hair if one does not follow a healthy diet. There are plenty of foods for healthy hair. These must be incorporated into the daily diet. Eating healthy and nutritious foods will ensure good hair growth and will also prevent hair problems. Here are some tips on which foods to eat for healthy hair.

Foods for Hair Growth and Healthy Hair Diet

The hair is comprised mainly of protein. Therefore we must consume protein through the diet.

 Pistachios, almonds, cashews, walnuts, pine nuts and hazel… | Flickr

 Nuts are very high in protein content. You can incorporate different types of nuts such as almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts, and peanuts. Nuts also supply important omega-3 fatty acids to the body. These help to improve hair growth and also keep the hair soft and lustrous.

orange fruits on brown wooden basket

Some of the most important vitamins for hair growth are vitamins B12 and biotin. These vitamins are contained in eggs. Eating an egg a day helps to ensure good health of the scalp and hair. Eggs are also a versatile food and can be eaten in various ways such as boiled, scrambled, or poached. 

 bunch of vegetables

Foods for hair growth also include vegetables.  A healthy hair diet must consist of green leafy vegetables. Vegetables are loaded with important vitamins and minerals which help in promoting hair growth. Examples of beneficial vegetables for hair growth include broccoli, lettuce, and spinach. 

 Pulses: Why Beans and Lentils Are Good + Easy Recipes — Do The ...

People with brittle hair that is prone to breakage will benefit from consuming beans, legumes, and lentils. These provide the body with protein, zinc, biotin, and iron.

person pours milk into glass

Milk and other dairy products contain calcium, protein, and many minerals. Drinking a glass of milk daily helps in improving the condition of the hair. Dairy foods also contain essential fats that lubricate the scalp and prevent dryness.

 Fresh Seafood Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

Lean poultry is another important addition to a healthy diet for the hair. Avoid eating red meat and opt for lean cuts of chicken or turkey instead. Seafood is a valuable source of protein and also low in fat. Salmon is rich in zinc which keeps the hair healthy.

 Aviselu / Flaxseeds – Grotels

Other foods for healthy hair include flaxseed which reduces hair loss and whole grains which contain important dietary fiber.

  Some Simple Ways To Drink More Water

It is also important to drink plenty of water every single day. Water hydrates the scalp and prevents dryness and frizz.


Unknown said...

Thanks. To the point information one wants to know...

SpirituallyLeveled said...

Thank you for the info, it was all very helpful information!!

Unknown said...

Awsome 🤩

Himanshu Pathak said...


Zojaja said...

Amazing 👍👌

Zojaja said...

Good tip for my curly hair 👌

Fahim said...

thanks for good information

Fahim said...

thanks for good information

Fahim said...

thanks for good information

Fahim said...

amazing tips.good for health

Sham said...

Excellent well done 😍😍

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