Saturday, September 26, 2020

Home Remedies for Head Lice


Home Remedies for Head Lice

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 Causes of head lice

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Although lice are not infectious nor do they spread any kind of disease, they are highly contagious and very irritating. For those that are lucky enough to have never experienced a head lice infestation, they are small, wingless, parasitic insects that live within the human hair and sustain their existence by feeding on blood that they draw from the human scalp.

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Studies have shown that lice are most common amongst children between the ages of 3 and 12. One is most likely to become aware of the fact that they are affected by lice due to the irritation and annoyance caused by the bite of the louse. The site will also become itchy and inflamed – something that could easily cause the individual to scratch the area significantly and possibly allow some kind of infection to penetrate through the skin.

 WE ALL HAVE LICE | Antonia Hayes | Flickr

However, another way of identifying the presence of lice is when you can see them with the naked eye. Because head lice are very contagious, it is not uncommon to see a family or people that interact with the infected individual also get infected after some time. Moreover, the lice are known to populate very fast, with the female louse easily able to lay several eggs every day.

Natural Head Lice Treatment and Remedies

Because of the fact that the problem is very common, there are several home remedies for head lice that have been developed all over the world to combat this problem.

 Free Photo | Woman washing head in a hairsalon

One of the most effective and best home remedies for head lice is to switch from whatever regular brand of shampoo you are using to one that is specifically designed to get rid of head lice.

 What parents should know about head lice | Edward-Elmhurst Health

Another very effective method of getting rid of head lice is to use a nit comb. Using a nit comb just after a shower is one of the best ways of getting rid of all of the lice in your hair. Understanding the various causes of head lice will play a very important role in ensuring that the condition does not affect you or your child to any substantial degree.

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The application of onion juice over the scalp is known to be one of the most effective natural head lice treatment plans and can be followed by a thorough shampoo after about 4 hours.

 Wet brown hair girl, blue eyes 750x1334 iPhone 8/7/6/6S wallpaper,  background, picture, image

Another one of the natural remedies for head lice is to avoid keeping your head wet for a long time. Home remedies for head lice work well only if applied for a substantial amount of time. If you fail to see results, a visit to a dermatologist would help cure the condition.

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