Cause Of Dandruff - What You Need To Know And Do

Cause Of Dandruff - What You Need To Know And Do

Dandruff is the visible flakes of skin shed from the scalp. It is the result of the normal growing process of the cells of the skin of the scalp. It can happen at any age between twelve and eighty. Cradle cap is the special form of dandruff found in infants and new born babies. It is the persistent and itchy disorder of the scalp. It is also known as seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff is a gradually process. White or greasy yellow flakes appear on the hair and scalp. It may cause itching and redness of scalp. Dandruff does not cause hair loss. Human skin constantly renews itself so it is normal to shed some dead skin flakes. New skin is formed in the lower layer and is pushed to the surface.

Dandruff may be caused due to internal or external causes. Some of the internal causes of dandruff are hormonal imbalance, poor health, poor hygiene, allergic hypersensitive, lack of rest, emotional stress, excessive consumption of sugar, fat, starch, improper nutrition, and heredity predisposition. Some of the external factors responsible for the cause of dandruff are excessive use of gels and hair sprays, stress, anxiety, dry indoor heating, cold weather, excessive use of hot hair curlers etc, infrequent shampooing etc. Dandruff usually starts after puberty therefore hormones may be involved. Dandruff is never caused due to dryness of skin.

The grease glands are affected by hormones therefore dandruff is more common in men than in women. Dandruff is non-contagious. Ever scratch your scalp if you are suffering from dandruff. Avoid using hair dye it will reduce some of the beneficial bacteria of the scalp. Don’t be ignorant if your scalp is red and itch, in such case see your doctor as soon as possible. Some of the nutritional supplements used for dandruff are Vitamin B complex especially vitamin B1 and B2 Vitamin A, Omega fatty acids, especially omega-6, Zinc.

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