Thursday, September 27, 2018


Concepts of diabetes and a diet are inseparable, for only competent restriction of receipt of sugars with food it is possible to prevent clinical course deterioration when insulin will not cope with formed glucose. And at diabetes of insulin and so it is formed a little because of infringement of work of a pancreas and as insulin is responsible for mastering by a sugar organism, last at diabetes is acquired badly, and remains basically in blood that can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.
  Therefore, correctly picked up diet at a diabetes helps to normalize a carbohydrate exchange and to facilitate work of the weakened pancreas. And first of all restrictions in a diet at a diabetes concern which are easily acquired carbohydrates which in an organism are split to glucose. It is sugar, honey, jam and jams, sweets, fancy bread and other sweets, sweet fruit and berries: grapes, bananas, raisin, dates.
Quite often there are even recommendations completely to exclude these products from a diet, but it is really necessary only at the heavy form of diabetes.
At easy, and illness moderate severity level, under a condition of the regular control of the level of sugar in the blood, the use of a small number of sweets it is quite admissible. But serious researches have proved that in progressing of diabetes the big contribution brings and the raised maintenance of fats in the blood. Therefore restriction of the use of fat food is quite proved.

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